


Savings Accounts

Our basic savings account is what makes you an owner of the credit union. Open a savings account with a $5 deposit, and earn dividends with a balance of at least $101, which are paid monthly.

Special Savings Accounts


Holiday Savings

The winter holiday season is always a special time of year; the thrill of finding the perfect gift for family members, celebrating with loved ones, and traveling over the river and through the woods to reunite with those often missed but rarely seen. Being financially unprepared shouldn’t spoil your holiday fun! Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union’s Holiday Club Savings Account gives you a way to save all year long for the holidays. We pay dividends annually, and you can even set up automatic deposits through Power Pay for added convenience!

Youth Savings

It’s never too early to learn good money habits, and Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union is just the place to start saving!

Clubhouse Crew

This account is designed for children up to age 12 and is an excellent way for our members who are parents or grandparents to start teaching children and grandchildren about money management. Starting with a low $5 deposit, this dividends-earning account also grants access to prizes for deposits, Super Saver and Economic Explorer Certificates, Coin savers, and four informative, yet fun, newsletters per year.
Visit our Clubhouse Crew Activities Page


Pay For A’s (ages 12 and under)
Let your good grades and hard work pay off!
You can be rewarded twice every year for your A’s!
Depending on how your school operates, semester based or quarterly based, you are able to cash in the A’s twice a year. You earn $1 for each A you receive, up to $5. That is a potential $10 you can earn each year just for getting A’s!
Show your Report Card to one of our friendly MSRs to cash in your amazing A’s
Yearly redemption schedule:
1st semester/2nd quarter – Report Card due by January 31st
2nd semester/4th quarter – Report Card due by June 30th

Starting Line

This account for teens ages 13 to 17 kicks our savings program up a notch with opportunities to learn about managing a checking account. Requiring just a $5 deposit, this dividends-earning account opens the door to additional savings products like Economic Explorer and Money Master Certificates, our Judith A Lowe Memorial Scholarship and a free checking account with a Visa® debit card.* Their checking account qualifies them to utilize the Gateway Metro app which gives them access to account balances, debit card controls and mobile deposits!
We also provide financial learning resources to help our young members learn more about money management and setting financial goals. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) provides young members worksheets to help them begin to learn budgeting, saving, bill management and more! Click here to access CFPB’s full downloadable toolkit.
Key worksheets to get started: SMART Goals | Savings Plan | Spending Tracker | Planning Life Events


Advanced Pay For A’s (ages 13 – 17)

Let your good grades and hard work continue to pay off!
Get some extra cash for getting A’s!
Depending on how your school operates, semester based or quarterly based, you are able to cash in the A’s twice a year. You earn $2 for each A you receive, up to $10. That is a potential $20 you can earn each year just for getting A’s!
Show your Report Card to one of our friendly MSRs to cash in on your hard work!**
Yearly redemption schedule:
1st semester/2nd quarter – Report Card due by January 31st
2nd semester/4th quarter – Report Card due by June 30th
*Starting Line checking account does require a $25 deposit before debit card can be issued.
** A minimum of $50.00 in non-credit union funded deposits in the previous 12 months is required to qualify for the Advanced Pay For A’s program.


Senior Savings

Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union’s MAX Advantage account is available to our members aged 62 and older, who use direct deposit at the credit union. Take advantage of:

  • Free Personal checks (shipping not included)
  • Free check copies
  • Free Official checks, cashier’s checks and money orders (one each per day)

Checking Accounts


Rewards 365 Checking

This checking account is for those who like to earn rewards and prefer a paper-free life! With a minimum balance requirement of just a penny, account holders can earn various rewards including cash back based on your Average Daily Balance of up to $5,000. Simply sign up for estatements, online banking and use your Gateway Metro Federal Visa® debit card for all your purchases.* The first reward-there is no penalty if you fall short on your activities for the month, you simply won’t earn the rewards.

Click here for additional information about our Rewards 365 Checking.

1APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rate is subject to change without notice. Terms and conditions apply. Contact GMFCU for complete details.

Priority Checking

Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union understands that our members don’t fit into one checking account mold, which is why we offer Priority Checking. Each option features no per-check or monthly fees, so you only have to choose the account that makes the most sense for you:2

  • Priority I – No minimum balance, no dividends earned
  • Priority II – $500 minimum balance, dividends earned
  • Priority III – $1,500 minimum balance, additional dividends earned

2If your account balance fall below the minimum, we will charge a service fee and no dividends will be earned. Contact GMFCU for complete details.

Select Your Plan Priority I Priority II Priority III Rewards 365 Max
Minimum Balance $0 $500 $1,500 $.01 $0
Dividends Excluded Included MORE 2 3.25% Based on Priority 5
Visa Debit Card Included Included Included REQUIRED Included
Online Access Included Included Included REQUIRED Included
Estatements Included Included Included REQUIRED Included
Mobile Banking Included Included Included Included Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included Included Included Included Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE
Courtesy Pay Included Included Included Included 4 Included
Direct Deposit Included Included Included REQUIRED REQUIRED
Free Checks 1ST BOX 1ST BOX 1ST BOX 1ST BOX Included 3
Account Alerts Included Included Included Included Included
Minimum Balance Fee Excluded $17.50 $17.50 Excluded Based on Priority 5
Monthly Fee Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded Excluded

Select Your Plan


Plan Priority I
Minimum Balance $0
Dividends Excluded
Visa Debit Card Included
Online Access Included
Estatements Included
Mobile Banking Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE
Courtesy Pay Included
Direct Deposit Included
Free Checks 1ST BOX
Account Alerts Included
Minimum Balance Fee Excluded
Monthly Fee Excluded
Plan Priority II
Minimum Balance $500
Dividends Included
Visa Debit Card Included
Online Access Included
Estatements Included
Mobile Banking Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE
Courtesy Pay Included
Direct Deposit Included
Free Checks 1ST BOX
Account Alerts Included
Minimum Balance Fee $15
Monthly Fee Excluded
Plan Priority III
Minimum Balance $1,500
Dividends MORE 2
Visa Debit Card Included
Online Access Included
Estatements Included
Mobile Banking Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE
Courtesy Pay Included
Direct Deposit Included
Free Checks 1ST BOX
Account Alerts Included
Minimum Balance Fee $15
Monthly Fee Excluded
Plan E*Hanced
Minimum Balance $.01
Dividends 6.02%
Visa Debit Card REQUIRED
Online Access REQUIRED
Estatements REQUIRED
Mobile Banking Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE
Courtesy Pay Included 4
Direct Deposit Included
Free Checks 1ST BOX
Account Alerts Included
Minimum Balance Fee Excluded
Monthly Fee Excluded
Plan Max
Minimum Balance $0
Dividends Based on Priority 5
Visa Debit Card Included
Online Access Included
Estatements Included
Mobile Banking Included
Deposit2Go Mobile Deposit Included
Online Bill Payment (with direct deposit & estatements) FREE
Courtesy Pay Included
Direct Deposit REQUIRED
Free Checks Included 3
Account Alerts Included
Minimum Balance Fee Based on Priority 5
Monthly Fee Excluded


  • 1 based on account type
  • 2 Click for current rates
  • 3 just pay shipping and handling
  • 4(A Courtesy Pay limit is available based on account qualification to cover accidental overdrafts. However, a dividend would not be paid during any month in which the service is used as the balance would fall below the required $0.01 balance.
  • 5 The Max account is available at all account Priority levels. Priority II & Priority III accounts have a minimum balance. Please see Priority see details for specifics on this item.


Visa® Debit Card

Avoid the hassle of purchasing and carrying checks with our debit card! Accepted everywhere you see the Visa logo, your purchase is taken directly from your checking account balance. Plus, with Debit Card Assurance – our monthly protection plan – Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union can save you from the unexpected expense of replacing your debit card should it ever get lost, stolen, compromised or damaged. You may opt out of Debit Card Assurance, but you are then responsible for the cost of replacing your debit card.

Account Protection

Life happens! Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union understands that unexpected overdrafts occur from time to time, and our overdraft coverage options are designed to help.



Overdraft Protection Link to Another Deposit Account you have at Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union1 $15 fee per transfer
Overdraft Protection Line of Credit1, 2 Subject to fees + interest
Courtesy Pay Privilege $29.50 Courtesy Pay fee per item

1Call us at (314) 621-4575, email us at memberserv@gmcu.org, or come by a branch to sign up or apply for these services. 2Subject to credit approval.

Overdraft Protection services apply to all transactions and may help prevent overdrafts by automatically transferring funds to your checking account from another account or line of credit you may have at Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union for a fee or finance charge. Please note that overdraft lines of credit are subject to credit approval.

Courtesy Pay Privilege allows you to overdraw your account up to the disclosed limit for a fee in order to pay a transaction. Even if you have overdraft protection, Courtesy Pay Privilege is still available as secondary coverage if the other protection source is exhausted.

Transactions Covered With Courtesy Pay Privilege

Standard Coverage (No action required)

Extended Coverage (Your consent required)*

ACH – Automatic Debits Included Included
Checks Included Included
Online Bill Pay Items Included Included
Recurring Debit Card Payments Included Included
Teller Window Transactions Included Included
ATM Transactions Not Included Included
Everyday Debit Card Transactions Not Included Included

Click here to hear our rates and fees  View Courtesy Pay information  Debit Card Safety Tips  Opt out of Debit Card Assurance


Consumer Credit Cards

Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union offers consumer credit card options that are right for you. Applying is fast and easy – whether you want to pay down balances faster, maximize cash back, earn rewards or begin building your credit history, we have the ideal card for you!

Choosing the right credit card is easier than ever.

No matter which card you choose, you’ll enjoy important features like:

  • Convenient and Flexible Purchasing Power. Accepted at millions of locations worldwide.
  • Mobile purchasing capability for added convenience.
  • Zero Fraud Liability. You won’t be liable for fraudulent purchases when your card is lost or stolen.
  • Cardmember Service available 24 hours a day/365 days per year.
  • Plus much more!

Click here to hear our different types of credit cardsApply Now For Consumer Credit Card


Business Credit Cards

Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union offers popular business credit card options such as low rate, cash back or flexible rewards to find the one that works best for your business.

Choose from our popular business credit cards

No matter which card you choose, your business will benefit from important features like:

  • Free online expense reporting tools.
  • No fee for additional employee cards.
  • Zero Fraud Liability. You won’t be liable for fraudulent purchases when your card is lost or stolen.
  • Cardmember Service available 24 hours a day/365 days per year.

Click here to hear our different types of credit cardsApply Now For Business Credit Card


Money Market Accounts

This Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union account is the best of both worlds: savings incentives and access to your money. By opening your Money Market Account with $1000, you can enjoy tiered dividends rates as we pay and compound your dividends monthly.


Share Certificates

Invest $500 (or $100 for youth certificates) for terms ranging from three months to six years, and benefit from how our Share Certificates maximize your savings while avoiding the ups and downs of the stock market. We can re-invest the dividends into the certificate or deposit them into your Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union account.

Special Youth Certificates

An amazing financial literacy tool we offer to parents and grandparents for teaching children and grandchildren about saving is our Youth Certificate Program. This program provides three certificate Tiers that include age-appropriate financial literacy passports. The Tiers are Super Saver, Economic Explorer and Money Master. These cover young members from age 2 to 18!

For more information about these Special Youth Certificates and the financial literacy program, please visit our Youth Program page here.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Rates subject to change. Terms and conditions apply. Contact GMFCU for details.



The name says it all! Our SAVE TO WIN share certificate offers you the chance to win up to $5,000- just by saving. To get started, all you need is $25 to open the share certificate, and every time your savings increases by $25, you automatically receive another entry into the national and credit union monthly and quarterly drawings – up to 100 entries a month and 300 entries per quarter. It’s like playing the lottery with none of the risk and all of the reward.

To open your SAVE TO WIN share certificate, stop by any Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union branch and speak with a member service representative today! Will YOU be the next winner?
Save to Win Truth in Savings disclosure  Frequently asked questions  Save to Win national website


Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) & Health Savings Accounts


Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)

Take control of your financial future with our IRA options! These two accounts are federally insured up to $250,000.

  • IRA Certificates: With terms up to six years and $500 deposit, you have access to a Traditional, Roth or Coverdell Educational Savings account.
  • IRA Contributory Account: Similar to a savings account, this account gives you the flexibility to make deposits at your own pace. You can even set up automatic deposits through Power Pay for added convenience!

We partner with Bill Anderson from Huntleigh Securities to make financial planning services accessible to our members. Bill has been a financial advisor since 2012, focusing on creating a client-centric experience by providing education, organization, objectivity, proactivity, accountability, and partnership. Bill currently has his practice at Huntleigh Securities and has expanded into offering services and advice to Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union members. He can be reached at 636-222-7585.
Huntleigh Securities and Gateway Metro Federal Credit Union are separate and unrelated companies. Securities and advisory services offered through third parties are not NCUA insured, may lose value and have no credit union guarantee.

Health Savings Accounts

Save for health expenses while enjoying tax benefits! As dividends grows tax-deferred, you can also enjoy your qualified withdrawals tax-free. Qualified expenses include prescription medication, doctor, dental and orthodontic fees, eyeglasses and examination fees, lab fees, hospital care and more!

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