
Gateway Card Guard

Staying in control of your cards has never been more important.

Manage your family finances, while protecting your card and yourself from fraud using the Gateway Card Guard app.

  • Get alerts on transactions
  • Lock your cards in an instant, for any reason
  • Block international usage
  • Control transactions by category (gas, restaurants, online purchases, etc)

Here’s how it works:

Get the app today:

  1. Download the Gateway Card Guard app
    • Link to the app download on the google play store. This opens up the google play store on a mobile android device Apple App Store - App download page. This opens up the Apple App store on an IOS mobile device
  2. Link all of the Gateway Metro FCU cards that you want to set controls and alerts for.
  3. Set up one control and one alert for each card to ensure that they are working in the way you prefer.

Have more control over your debit card with transaction limits, location restrictions, and merchant restrictions. With a simple touch of a button you can toggle your settings and customize your card security preferences on the go. No matter how your life changes, Card Guard is there to easily change with you and your needs.

Transaction Amount Limit

Set a transaction limit so that your card cannot be used over a certain amount. Automatically blocks card transactions and ATM withdrawals that are over your specified limit.

transaction amount limit feature illustration

Location Restrictions

Set an area where your card can be used. Block card transactions that are outside that area automatically. You can also choose to block international transactions.

location based card restrictions

Merchant Restrictions

If you do not want your card used at certain merchant types you can block card transactions from those types of merchants. You can easily turn accepted merchants on and off.

set restrictions on merchant types for a specific card


You can even turn your card On and Off with the click of a button! This is a great tool to use if you think your card may be subject to fraud.

card toggle on and off illustration
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